SCNYC Offers Deal & Discount for Halloween Psychic Fair

SCNYC Offers Deal & Discount for Halloween Psychic Fair

The Spiritualist Church of NYC (SCNYC) is again offering a special package and a discount for its Halloween 2015 Psychic & Healing Fair, Sunday, Oct. 25, from 6 PM to 8:45 PM, at The New Church at 114 East 35th St., New York, NY 10016, between Lexington and Park Avenues.

The “Reading Hopping Package” allows you to purchase two readings with a psychic/medium and includes one free energy healing session, a $25 value. The two readings can be with one reader or separate sessions with two readers. All sessions must be used by the same person.

The SCNYC will also be offering a $5 discount for readings and healing sessions via the newsletter that you can print and bring to the fair or show us in person via your mobile device.  

Readings will run from 6 PM to 8:40 PM. The charge for a 20-minute reading is $40 or $35.00 with our discount. There will be a variety of readers to choose from.
Energy healings will also be conducted from 6 PM to 8:40 PM, and 20-minute sessions are $25.00 or $20.00 with our discount.

To complete this special evening, there will be a séance (a.k.a. Spirit message circle) promptly at 7:30 PM. The fee is $20 per person, but there are no discounts.

More information is available via the aforementioned newsletter and the Website:


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